Saturday, 27 August 2016

Winter Bloom Scarf

The scarf I made was my daughter's idea. She was complaining that her scarf was boring. she wanted to have a flower scarf. She made a request when she was 4 years old. It was really funny at the same time I was amazed how she had been motivated to wear something flowery even if it is winter.

She told me, she will looked more beautiful when she will have flower around her neck. Her imagination of having a garland of flower even winter, motivates me in making this "winter bloom scarf."

The materials I used to create the roses is pink felt sheets and green felt for the leaves . I did not use the one from Dollar store instead I bought the materials from Fabricville because the materials are softer than the felt sheet in Dollar store.

The scarf is handmade and sewed it manually. It took me several days to finish because of too much details on it.

My daughter really loves it. Several winters she was wearing it but at this time she used this scarf to decorate her bed. I will take a picture one day & post it here soon.

My eldest son was also requesting to have one but it was not granted since the scarf is so girliesh. I promised to make one for him unfortunately until now, I cannot think a better one for my boys.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Fill Me Up Lesson Plan Activity for Toddler

Activity Title and Description: Fill Me Up
          This activity is intended for 9 to 12 months however it can be expanded to a higher age group.

           This activity will enhance the children's curiosity as to what happen if they fill up the empty box/bucket with something or another toy and then empty it out. Children loves to
discover new things around them. 

This is the age where the child has intense desire to know things around them. They might not talk however child knows how to investigate things through observing and touching everything they see.

Materials/or preparation needed before the activity: We can use any materials that are readily available however, we are dealing with small children and so as an educator we are trying to find a materials that are safety to use for them like;

  • empty shoe box
  • small safe and soft objects to put in the shoe box or cereals
Setting/or space needed for the activity: Classroom settings or this can be done also in outside setting if it is summer or weather permitted.

Support from colleagues (if necessary): If using small but soft materials for filling, an educator might need helper for more supervision.

Rules for this activity: Gather the children around and let them sit on the floor. Give each child an empty box after introducing the materials or small bucket. Give them enough small soft objects or (cereals to make it safe for the children). Let them fill up the empty box and dump out again.

Safety and health rules (if necessary): Preference materials for safety are the following; cereals, small soft materials but not too small to choke on however in this case support from another educator might needed to avoid accident.

Which developmental areas this activity promotes: 
  • Physical development
  • cognitive skills
Objective and key experiences: At the end of the activity, the infants will be able to feel strong and supports his understanding of the concepts of empty and full.

Activity introduction (starter): Let the children sit on the floor and introduce the materials.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Matching shapes and figures

Literacy Skills: MEMORY GAME

Activity Name: Matching shapes and figures
Age Group: 5 to  8years old

The goal of the Activity: The skill I am targeting for this activity is memory by matching the shapes and figures. Children will recall and manipulate their memory skills in revealing which picture matches the ones that they recently touch.

Objective: At the end of the lesson the students will know how to match the pictures the one that they previously touch.

Materials Required:
·       Pre-cut felt paper or cardboard of different shapes and figures paste on the card or on the paper (by two’s)
·       Blindfold (handkerchief or any material)
·       Board (optional, you can do this activity on the table or on the floor)

Setting: (How is the classroom set up for the lesson and the activity?)
1.     Prepare an open space of the classroom, preferably in the middle and gather all the materials needed for the activity.
2.     Let the children sit on the floor and explain the method of the game.
3.     To start, show to the children the steps of the game.

1.     After giving the instructions of the game.
2.     Lay all the pre-cut felt paper or cardboard on the floor in random.
3.     Let them look all the shapes and figures for about 2 minutes or more.
4.     Flip or cover 1 of each shape.
5.     Do the blindfold.
6.     Ask one child to touch the figure and let the child say what kind of figure or shape he's looking.
7.     Remove the blindfold and let the child find the pair of that shape or figure from the cards.
8.     If the child finds the match, then he will continue playing and if not he will stop and choose one of his playmates to play. Then, repeat the procedure until all the children in the group will and matches all the figures.

Implementing the Reinforcement Activity: (List the steps to explain the activity)
1.     With the same materials and probably the same setting position, ask the children to count and name the pairs of shapes and figures that lay on the floor.
2.     Counting can be done in group to make it more fun for the children.
3.     Let them describe in a simple word or words how much fun to touch, then memories and recalling the shapes and finding them.
4.     Ask the children, if they like the game and want to do it more in the future.

Developmental Focus: (What other areas of development does this lesson and activity cover?)
The lesson and activity, is designed for memory skills, however, it covered in most areas of development such as fine-motor, physical, social skills. In addition, mathematics skills will come into as well as cognitive skills by implementing the reinforcement activity.

Extensions: (How can you extend the focus of the activity to encourage development in another area).
1.     With the same set of materials and probably added some extra materials, let the children enjoy the freedom of playing on their own way. Like they can choose playing the game without the blindfold just simply flip all the cards randomly.
2.     From time to time, teacher will interrupt and join the play and simply asking the children if they make their own rules.
3.     Always praise the child when they accomplish something, this is to boost their self-esteem and continue practicing and or playing games to test the memory.

Matching Farm Animals Pictures

 Literacy Activity based on Blooms Taxonomy

Book: On the Farm
Activity Title: Matching Farm Animals Pictures
Age: 3 to 5 years old

Materials:  pictures by pair of farm animals like;
·       Pigs, horses, cows, , chickens, rabbits, ducks, sheep

Matching game is very fun for children. This type of activity will target all levels of Blooms Taxonomy because this activity tends to focus on the fact-transfer and recalling some information based on what the children read, see and applied to its personal lives.

Ø  Remembering: The key point here is to match the pictures of the farm animals.
> Children will participate one by one and try to find the same picture that is shown on the board or on the table and then match it and speak what kind of animal it is.

Ø  Understanding: The objective here is to identify and or describe the animals.
> As soon as the child find the match, she or he can identify what kind of farm animals he has found and maybe can give a simple description of it.

Ø  Applying: to carry out something or making something out from this activity.
> Children can make their own story about the farm animals or they even can relate their own experiences if they went to the farm and saw these kind of animals.

Ø  Analysing: Distinguishing or asking questions
> Children are very curious once this information is out it will lead to possible question from them regarding farm animals or vice versa. Ex. Child to teacher- Where do the cows live or stay during winter?

Ø  Evaluating: You can ask the children what they think and make them discuss and argue about it.

Ø  Creating: In this part, children may draw their favorite farm animals or color the animals ( crayons and stencils with farm animals will be given)

Lego Building Blocks: Little Builder

Unit Title: Building Blocks
Activity Name: Little Builder
Age Group: 5 to 6 years old

Goal of the Activity: (Using Blooms Taxonomy as a guide, what specific skills are you targeting). The skills I am targeting for this activity are to select, construct, explain, organize and demonstrate in their own way of making or building blocks.

Objective: At the end of the lesson the students will know how to manipulate and build a simple figure using mega blocks.

Materials Required: (All the materials need for the lesson and the reinforcement activity)
  • DVD for watching Lego movie
  • Mega blocks (plastic or wooden) in various shapes and sizes
Settings: (How is the classroom set up for the lesson and the activity?)
  1. Gather all the materials needed for the activity.
  2. Let the children sit on the floor to watch the Lego Movie.
  3. After watching the movie, pause a few minutes to let the children relax and stabilize their excitement from the movie.
Procedure: (List the steps to accomplish your goal and the reinforcement activity)
  1. After watching the movie, out all he materials needed for the activity (Lego blocks)
  2. Let the children stay on their position and tell them about the building blocks activity. This activity is like a free play, so the children have to use their own imagination and creativity on how to manipulate and construct a figure. ( Teacher should always praise the child after they accomplish something.
  3. The reinforcement activity will be focus on counting and using simple words to describe what a child can do with the blocks.
Implementing the Reinforcement Activity: (List the steps to explain the activity)
  1. With the same materials and probably the same setting position, ask the children to count the blocks while building. (Use to reinforce counting and numbers). Counting can be done in group to make it more fun for them.
  2. Let them describe in a simple words about their feelings while doing the activity.
Developmental Focus:  (What other areas of development does this lesson and activity cover?)
  1. The lesson and activity covered in most areas of development such as fine-motor skills, physical and social skills. In addition, mathematical skills will come into as well as cognitive skills by implementing the reinforcement activity.
  2. The other areas of development that are covered are social and emotional skills. This is when the children interact with each other. By doing so, they start building their self-esteem.
Extensions: (How can you extend the focus of the activity to encourage development in another area).
  1. With the same set of materials and probably added some extra blocks with different figures and shapes, let the children enjoy the freedom of playing.
  2. From time to time, teacher will interrupt and join the play and simply asking the children what she/he is trying to do with the blocks.
  3. Always praise the child when they accomplish something, this is to boost their self-esteem.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

The Role of the Teacher in Early Childhood Development

Every one of us has role in early childhood development especially the parents and also the educator. Children need us to mold their minds and grow in all aspect of development for the future because they are our future. The role of an educator is a must to fill up the gaps in between some circumstances of what the parents are facing in the world today. They have to work hand in hand in order to obtain the desired goals to the learning and the child development specifically in the early education.

As an educator, I will implement a safe and sound environment for the children, these includes promoting a physical, mental and appropriate nutrition. Providing an emotionally and physically safe environment for young children is really a must with the partnership of their parents of course. A safe environment prevents the children from harm and she or he will be at ease in my care and trust will be developed. Good nutrition is really vital for children and so this is included in my agenda. 

By promoting and implementing a good nutrition will encourage children eating good habits in the proper time and they will grow a healthy individual. Another important thing is I will make sure that all the activities provided are age appropriate and that will promote all the domains needed for them to grow up and can functions properly in the society.
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The Way I Feel

Activity Name: The Way I Feel
Age Group: 3 to 5 years old
Number of Children: 10
Length of Time:15 to 20 minutes

Area of Development: Emotional and cognitive skills.

Goal of the Activity: Promoting emotional and cognitive development.
Objective of the Activity: the children will be able to identify, imitate, understand and express feelings of happy, angry, sad, sleepy, scared and surprised

Materials Required: Chart that contains different faces of emotions.

Introduction: Ask the children how are they feels today.

My Role: 

  • Facilitator and will participate during imitating of the emotion through action song, "If You're Happy".
Detailed Progression of the Activity:
  • Ask the children how they feel when they first woke up this morning and when their mother and or father dropped them off the daycare.
  • recognize the children's feelings and let them know that it is important how they feel and to accept the different ways we feel. It is good for others to know how we feel and for us particularly the children how to express the feelings safely and in acceptable manners.
  • Show the chart of different faces of emotions to the children and let them identify the emotions.
  • Sing and action song, "If You're Happy"
  • If You're Happy and You Know It
Extension: Use the same procedure in a small group time later in the day, ask the children about their feelings.

  • You need to go to clean up the centers. Are you happy or sad? and Why?
  • You find your favorite toy that you thought was lost, are you happy or sad

Planting Seed Experiment

This is a science experiment for young children ages from 5 to 7 years old. This activity will enhance the children's ability to grasp the concepts of how the  plants grow and the importance of water and sunlight to make a plant survive.

I-                Objective: To understand how the seed grow into a plant.
                     Collecting daily data.

          Comparison: Seed with enough water & sunlight vs seed with a lot of water & no sunlight
II-              Materials: Sunflower seed (any seed available), Plastic cup, water, paper & pen

III-            Procedure:
Prepare materials, wear gloves and plant the seed.

IV-             Data:    

Seed with enough water
& sunlight
Measurement (cm)
Seed with lots of water
& no sunlight
Measurement (cm)
Just planted 0 cm
Just planted 0 cm
0 cm
0 cm
0 cm
0 cm
0 cm A little bit of soil breakage
0 cm
2 cm Sprout is coming
0 cm
2.5 cm
0 cm
1 inch
0 cm
2. 7 inches
0 cm
3.1 inckes
0 cm
1.      What did you notice on the first day of planting? 
-        Just dirt on the cup
2.      After a week, what did you notice about the two seeds? Does the seed grow or not?
-        The first cup, the seed grow but the other cup no.

V-               Analysis
When planting seed, we need to put enough water and sunlight in order for them to grow, however if we put a lot of water, the seed will get drowned and die and cannot survive. If we put a lot of water and place the pot in a sunny area, there will be possibilities that the seed will survive but if the seed will stay in the dark, the seed will die.

Important thought: 
Seed is like a child, if the mother will give enough love which is the water & sunlight, the child will grow healthy, if too much love or the child is always alone, the child maybe survived however, the child will grow unhealthy.

Great Taste Popsicle Fun Making

Activity Name: great Taste Popsicle Fun Making
Age Group: 4 to 5 years old
Number of Children: 10
Length of the Activity: 15 to 20 minutes

Goal of the Activity: Promoting cognitive skills and enhancing curiosity.

Objective of the Activity: The children will be able to anticipate the concept of making a Popsicle and be able to understand that there are steps that need to be done before they get the product.

Materials & Ingredients Required:

  • Fruits of any kinds
  • Sugar to taste
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Blender
Introduction: Introduce the activity & the materials to the children.

Detailed Progression of the Activity:
  1. Prepare all the materials needed for the activity.
  2. Cut all the fruits & place it on the plate.
  3. Measure the sugar, milk & yogurt as needed.
  4. Prepare the Popsicle molder or we can use plastic cups and Popsicle sticks.
  5. Let the children guess how many hours does the Popsicle gets ready.
  6. Record their answer and compare the data after.
  7. Let the children draw what their Popsicle look example, the taste. Let them tell a short story about Popsicle, this is to enhance their imaginative and creative thinking skills plus language skills enhancing. (You can make video of the children when they describe or tell their experiment, this is optional).
  8. Compare the guesses and the actual data result.
This activity is whole group participation.

  • If You’re Happy & You Know It,
  • Aka Backa Soda Cracker

Sequencing: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Activity Name: Sequencing Activity Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Age Group: 3 to 5 years old
Number of Children: 10
Length of Time: 15 to 20 minutes

Goal of the Activity: reinforcing memory skills and sequencing.
Objective of the Activity: The children will be able to know the sequence of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and make their own version of the story.

Materials Required:

  • Goldilocks and the three Bears books
  • Picture cards of Goldilocks and the Three Bears with sticky tac or velcro
Ask the children if they know or hear the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

My Role:
  • Facilitator
  • Ask open-ended question
Detailed Progression of the Activity:
  1. Let the children sit on a semi-circle and give a hint for today's topic.
  2. Read the book to the children about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  3. Ask the children for an open-ended question in between readings.
  4. Let the children guess what will going to happen to Goldilocks, this is to enhance their imagination and creative learning.
  5. Let the children retell the story (1 minute story) by sequencing game.
Transitions: Acka Backa, or any other transitions

  1. Pretend play: the scene should be the same as the story
  2. Matching game
  3. Memory game
  4. Coloring
  5. Tracing activity

Tuesday, 16 August 2016



Language and cognitive development are interrelated to each other, as well the other areas are interrelated with cognitive because it is processed in the brain. Teaching young children about language will help them communicate to others, give commands and understand as well as to be understood.

The Activity below is a suggestion on teaching very young children about language development.

Activities: Farm Animals March

Objective: To teach children how to put words together to make a simple sentence by talking, arranging words into a sentence and recognize the sequences.

Materials: plastic toy farm animals, a group of words or word (printed and laminated on a flash card)

Rules: After reading the book on the farm, I will also show some videos about farms. Then, I will ask the children’s attention. On the table, I will put toy animals on one side and words on the other side. I will ask each child to take 3 to 4 toy animals and arrange them as they are marching. Then, I will ask them a question of what they think animals are doing. The child will answer simple sentence of his/her opinion. Example;The animals are walking or marching. After that, I will let the child choose a word that describes the animals.

Explanation: This activity will boost their language skills because it made the children practice of answering the question in simple short sentence as well as by letting them describe the animals.


1.    CHILDREN’S MEMORIES   (Memory)

According to Piaget that children are born with a basic mental structure which is including the memory. In between 7 to 9 months child realizes that object exists even if he cannot see it, this development is called object permanence which means that the memory is starting to develop.

Activity: Matching Shapes and Figures

The goal of the Activity: The skill I am targeting for this activity is memory by matching the shapes and figures. Children will recall and manipulate their memory skills in revealing which picture matches the ones that they recently touch.

Objective: At the end of the lesson the students will know how to match the pictures of the animals, vegetables and fruits the one that they previously touch.

Materials: Pre-cut felt paper or cardboard of different animals and figures paste on the card or on the paper (by two’s), Blindfold (handkerchief or any material), Board (optional, you can do this activity on the table or on the floor)

Rules: After giving the instructions of the game. Lay all the pre-cut felt paper or cardboard on the floor in random. Let them look all the shapes and figures for about 2 minutes or more. Flip or cover 1 of each shape. Do the blindfold. Ask one child to touch the figure and let the child say what kind of figure or shape he's looking. Remove the blindfold and let the child find the pair of that shape or figure from the cards. If the child finds the match, then he will continue playing and if not he will stop and choose one of his playmates to play. Then, repeat the procedure until all the children in the group will and matches all the figures.
Explanation: In my opinion the activity I mentioned above will help the children’s memory to develop because children will have to think and practice before they can memorize which cards and texture are the same.



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