Friday 12 August 2016

Early Literacy Learning Domain: Oral Language


Book Title: On the Farm
By: Henri Galeron
Age level: 4 to 5 years old

2.     Oral Language

Target: To teach children identify the different colors and shapes of fruits and vegetable they found on the farm based on the book On the Farm.
Explanation: Oral language development for children is very important because it is where we use to communicate with others and be understood by other people. On the Farm book is very helpful for children to talk and differentiate the fruits and vegetables.

Activity: Vegefruits Collections
In this activity, I need some materials (plastic or pictures of tomato, green beans, banana, etc.). I will divide the children into two groups if the class is big, if not just ask each one and collect fruits and vegetable according to its color  and shape. After collecting, let the children name each fruit and vegetables. Ask also what fruit and vegetable are their favorite. What color is their favorite and Why?


  1. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

  2. You're very welcome! and thanks for visiting.


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