Saturday, 12 November 2016

Birds Nest

Thematic Unit: The Birds
Name of the Lesson: Weaving a Nest for 5 years old

Ø  At the end of the lesson, the children will be able to understand how the nest is made by seeing an illustration of varied types of nest.
Ø  Refine their physical skills through fine motor activity as they learn to weave their own nest using a yarn or a ribbon.
Pre-requisite Skills:
Recognition and understanding how and why the birds made their own nest and the importance of it. It will allow also the children to develop emotional and spiritual skills through empathizing with the Birds efforts of making it as they also making their own model nest.
Materials Needed:
Ø  Half a paper plate cut and punched hole across twice
Ø  1 large strip of yarn or ribbon for each child (30 inches)
Ø  1 brown or yellow crayon per child to shade the paper plate
Ø  1 book about Birds
Ø  1 real or fake birds nest
Classroom Dynamics:
Ø  During the discussion or presentation of the lesson and the display of the materials particularly the nest, the children must be seated in a semi-circle arrangement.
Ø  During the activity or the nest weaving the children will be seated at their desk.
Ø  Children will be shown a bird’s nest. It will be passed around from child to child as the teacher will remind the students
Reinforcement Activity
Gather the students outside preferably in the park and let them look for a bird's nest. If they cannot find, bring them back inside the classroom or just gather them around you and show to them the man-made nest that you made. Let their imagination started to flow as you are discussing about the activity for the day.
In the classroom: let them make their own bird's nest. Let them manipulate the materials and create according to their own will.

Developmental Focus:
Social, cognitive, emotional and fine motor skills

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